Draw a Horse: how to get it done.

The horses would watch me get setup, and then settle in. They usually would move toward me at the fence, led by the lead mare, to see if there was any food or treats involved. I had asked the owner if I could give them a treat. So, yes, they usually got a treat.

John Singer Sargent and Carrara marble

I was on a train this summer rumbling past Carrara, Italy, and saw these huge blocks of marble. I couldn’t resist taking a couple of photos from the train window. Seeing these awkwardly stacked massive cubes of marble and knowing that this is same place where Michelangelo got his chunk of marble for David, and […]

Tigers, Transformers and Legos–Oh my! Thinking retail.

I visited the new LEGO store at the Mall of America this morning. Note: this post was originally published in 2010. It reopened this weekend after a major renovation. I was immediately struck by the amusing sense of scale of the enormous characters constructed of giant Legos. It triggered an instant appeal to my childlike […]

Masks for Halloween, Hockey and Other Intense Interactions

A mask seems to be an object to cover, conceal, yet also reveal a culturally specific meaning to provoke a desired result. Not surprisingly, “mask” is related to the term “masquerading.” It makes us think of a formal masquerade ball with a playful, coquettish eye-mask on a stick. Yet masks have an ancient history and […]

Where would we be without music or ways to record it?

Whether listening to Scott Joplin, Bolero, Pink, or Louis Armstrong—or all of them—where would we be without music and without the ability to record and re-play music for our pleasure? A recent article in the New York Times announced that a fantastic collection of historical jazz recordings has been  acquired from the estate of William […]

Silly photographs everyone takes.

My sister and I spent last weekend traveling to midwestern museums. Coincidentally we noticed a phenomenon of people posing next to art or architecture in a way to visually combine their physical body with whatever they were standing next to. For example, we stopped at a park as we entered Wisconsin. Travelers were standing next […]

Nostalgia: Old School Photography when Film was the Medium.

Steve McCurry, the brilliant photographer who shot the iconic green-eyed Afghan girl published as a cover image in National Geographic, was given the last roll of Kodachrome film a few years ago.

Update to my Art and Fibanacci Post

This is a quick update to my post about the Fibonacci number series, math, geometry and the elegant relationship to art. The Science Museum of Minnesota will be launching a Special Exhibition, “Geometry Playground,” 10/15/2010. Here’s the overview from the website: “The Geometry Playground exhibition will change the way you think about geometry, letting you […]

Collaboration and Participation

Collaboration and Participation These are hot words in museums today—how can museums engage visitors? How to share both knowledge and experience via participation? These words suggest exuberant sharing, anticipation of cumulative strength, and perhaps naive fearlessness. Yet, correct design of the collaboration is vital for success. Nina Simon, a museum visionary and independent museum consultant, […]